and because I'm in a good mood since I slept early and woke up early as well, I am eager to blog again. Tomorrow, everyone will be back in school not because it's the first day of school already, na-ah, but because it's enrolment day! And yes, I finally get to wear my new shoes. Hopefully my new pair doesn't get "christened" with rain and puddles of mudd..
Anywhoo, I have no intentions of making a long entry today. I just want to welcome June, after all, it did welcome us with a cool and drizzly day.. I think.
Oh June.
It's the month of weddings and mothers in Luxembourg and fathers in Belgium.. (courtesy of wikipedia hahaha)
It's the start of the rainy season,
start of school season and UAAP season...meganon?
start of a brand new semester...
Oh who wouldn't want another year with a clean slate at hand?
I bet this kid wants to go to school so bad. I just feel how she feels in that picture whenever I get to bring all my new stuff to school including my new pair of shoes. But otherwise, I feel a little more like this...
You know, I do feel exactly how kids feel because I really am a kid at heart. ngek sume-segue hhaha. Kasi naman even at the age of 20, I still feel giddy when buying colored pens and all the new stuff they have at the bookstore. I love different kinds of pens and paper because I love having colorful notes. I think that it kind of grew on me, having classmates back in high school who love doodling stuff on their notes as well. So I bought these...
Yes, including that magic eraser. You see, I keep losing/misplacing my erasers, so bought a cuter and bigger one.
I also bought 2 packs of #2 monggol pencils or maybe 3, since we saw an extra pack which me might have accidentally, or I might have accidentally thrown in the basket that day. I bought these kasi like in the case of my missing erasers, I also lose my pencils all the time, especially pag exams na. Di ko na ata mabilang mga pencils na nahingi at nabigay ng roommates ko sa akin. tsk tsk..
And I shouldn't forget these... these are our books' best friends... Together with our bookstands and coffee, cobras/stings and drools and sleepy eyes on the side...

But you know what my best buy for that day was? THIS! This HUGE 150 sheet, 5 subject notebook!!! I was eyeing something similar but costs like more than half of our shopping allowance so I had to sadly put it back on the shelf. Fortunately, God never closes a door without opening another, He led me to this notebook! It has exactly the same features (with the ruled pre-cut markings so you can easily and cleanly tear it out) except for the design, but that can be fixed. I know exactly what to cover this with. Boy am I glad to find this. My sister bought the green one (kasi green blooded talaga) only to find out at home that hers was thinner. 3 subject notebook lang pala. hahahahha... I kept teasing her about it ever since. Kitamona? Isip bata talaga eh.

This one, I bought for myself and myself only. My siblings were the ones to jeer back at me when they learned that I still buy these. They take their quizzes kasi on a notebook or a yellowpad na, unlike me who obviously has to bring these sheets of paper to school pa like a little old gradeschooler.
Haayyy, buying all these school stuff makes me really happy (like Heaven happy) but still sad that summer's ending na. No matter how hard you shrug it off your mind or your whole body pa like someone having seizures with matching tumitirik na mata, you can't stop the unstoppable and no matter how far you've been to this summer, you have to go back--------back to school. ngek. hahaha. corny. anyway, school starts in about hmmmm, let me see..... aahh yeah yeah .... 2 weeks (kunyari nakalimot pa eh). I don't want to count down to the exact day before school starts. It's not like it's something to look forward to, so yeah, basically 2 weeks nalang and panic mode na naman ako. ayayay!!! But you know what, you should always remember and plant it deep in your hearts like I do (wehh) that we have a God and families and friends who'll look after us kaya no need to worry. Just Follow HIM and everything's gonna be alright. Ay, Uncle Kracker? double wehhhhh....
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