Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So last night, I was busy cooking dinner that I didn't feel the quake at all, though both my brother and sister did. Apparently, I had to attend to some yaya duties and apparently, I'm gonna be the maid for this week since manang hasn't come home yet (see previous entries). So far, I've been doing the same yaya duties like cleaning the house and washing the dishes like I do on regular weekends, however, since I am now on a week's vacation from school, and since everyone else has to go to work or to school, I "had" to take responsibility of becoming the "taong bahay" and the semi-permanent house maid. So aside from sweeping and mopping the house clean, washing the dishes, cooking lunch and dinner, I also had to take on a few more chores (which aren't easy at all): doing the freakin' family laundry and if I'd allow myself to (allow myself, echosera!), do the ironing as well. All I wanted was to be a bum for a week, but look what I got? I just wanna do nothing at all and stay in bed all day, but why did you have to give me chores to attend to? Oh well, what choice do I have right? Having already stated the obvious, I guess I just have to work my ass off. Plus, I got a little something something so maybe that means I had to at least pay for whatever that is by not bumming around... labo

Silver lining: Maybe this could take my mind off things that are bugging me lately. 
Plus, silver lining #2: Doing chores can also help me tone a few muscles here and there... workout ba.. odiba, hitting two birds with one stone! 

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