Sunday, February 27, 2011


Just a few hours ago, I talked to my longtime friends on facebook through personal messaging. In both conversations (yes, I had two separate convos with them tonight since we weren't able to meet up online, all at the same time), I actually became more of a counselor rather than the one being counselled (since most of the time, I was the one who needed counselling). Anyway, the first online convo I had was with my best friend, and we talked about love and all the frustrations that came with it, while the next one, with our other kabarkada, was more on beauty/insecurities. 

To tell you the truth, everytime my friends and I have deep conversations like these, I tend to just keep my mouth shut since I am no expert on love/ beauty or any problem/issue for that matter. I'm just not the opinionated type, but tonight, I realized that somehow, through these conversations, I slowly discover that I make a good counselor/listener after all. I also thank them for appreciating the time I've spent listening to whatever they had to say and for giving them words of encouragement that I know they need!

I also used to have a lot of really deep, late night, facebook talks with my best friend and I can honestly say that I am proud of whatever has come out of my mouth (or what my hands have typed) and told her in the past and earlier this evening. Hopefully, she'll just take my word for it and won't stop believing! 

Aside from that, I also had another talk with another friend (as I've said) and it was really helpful/therapeutic both to me and to her (hopefully!), since she admitted it herself. To cut to the chase, I was able to let her let it all out, to verbalize whatever it was she needed to bring out of her. Good enough, she was able to entrust to me her deepest and darkest sorrows. I'm telling you, this has got to be our best and most meaningful conversation yet, in a longtime that we've been friends and I appreciate the fact that she was really grateful for that, so thank you Lord. I would not have been that mushy and helpful without your help (as always!).

So basically, I'd just like to blame Aphrodite for being the goddess of Love and Beauty. It surely sucks to be loveless and ugly. Good thing we're all pretty and happy in our individual lives... ows?? hahahha! eh bakit may convos na ganun kung wala eh? gets mo na yan!! Anyway, I really need to sleep now.... must do pref card tomorrow or later when I wake up at 4am!!! Good night!! 

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